
Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it

February 6th:  Dinner

This is a pretty decent representative of what I eat for dinner every night.  Since I can't cook, I freaking have some form of noodles every night.  The Dr. Pepper is a little treat for Katie though.  I don't usually get sodey-pop with dinner :)

And this is what time I am eating my gourmet meal!  And sadly, this is earlier than most nights.
Look at that adorable puppy!

Immunology has been taking over my life.  I've been playing catch up, since my teacher is awful (I'm sure I've only mentioned that 50 times or so) and I'm basically teaching immuno to myself.  I studied it for 3 hours today with a couple friends and it completely sucked the life out of me.  So no more immuno tonight, but it also drained any will power I had left to study for anatomy...I think I'll call it quits early tonight.  I'll have plenty of time to study anatomy when I'm sitting in immunology not hearing a single word that the professor is saying...

Cecelia, you're breaking my heart. You're shaking my confidence daily

February 5th:  10:00 am

I'm changing the title from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, because on Sundays at 11:00 am, I get to do obedience training with this little guy.  His name is Dion and he is one of the colony dogs at Ross.  I worked with him all last semester and he's come SUCH a long way since I first met him.  He went from not knowing his name and gnawing on my hands during play time to doing agility course things and obeying commands done only with hand signals.  I LOVE seeing Dion on Sundays.  I'm supposed to go play with him a few more times during the week, but lately I've been too busy studying during every minute of free time I get.  I'll make it up to him this week by taking him on a walk down to the water.  He loves walking into the "forest" and finding lizards and monkeys. What a guy :)  He's so freakin' adorable.

Also, I skipped February 4th.  The topic for the photo is "a stranger" but I don't have a good picture of a stranger to use.  However, I have seen many people on this island that would make EXCELLENT pictures for that topic, so I'm just postponing that one until I get a good picture.


We've got each other, and that's a lot for love

February 3rd:  Hands


These are some of my friends spelling out "Obama" with their hands.  I don't remember the occasion, but I do remember that I hung out with some very political people back then.

I locked the key to my locker INSIDE my locker the other day and I recruited some men to help me pick the lock, in an attempt to try to save the lock from certain death by cutters.  I wish I would've had my camera then because 4 man hands working on my tiny lock would've made a good picture.  I tried to find a good picture of some hands picking a lock to try to at least capture the essence, but nothing was quite up to my standards.

I actually had a good day today!  First one in a while, so hopefully my bad day streak is over.  Seriously, watching those two awesome movies last night ("Taken" and "Inception") put me in such a good mood today.  I got to play volleyball at the beach and although we didn't win, we had a blast.  We are getting better and better each game and it makes it more fun to play when you aren't worried about looking like a turd in front of everyone there.

Tonight is going to be a quiet night in.  I am still trying to catch up with some studying and just freakin' relax (it's been a while since my tv and I had some quality bonding time) before doing everything I have to do tomorrow and Sunday.  Tomorrow I have my first TA session. I want to look over the first semester anatomy class's material just to make sure I don't look like an idiot, but I'm kind of excited to be helping people with something that I'm good at.  There is also a fundraiser for Elvis' family tomorrow at Timothy Beach (we played volleyball there today and it was really weird being there without Elvis...) and I was considering just spending the non-TA portion of my day just relaxing on the beach, so we'll see how that goes.  Looking forward to it!

I can't wait to see my mom and my animals! :)  Just in case you forgot how adorable they are...


So we're sailing through the sea, to an island where we'll meet

I'm watching "Taken" right now and I still can't believe what a bad ass Liam Neeson is.  What is he, 70?  When is he going to stop being so awesome?
Probably never.
I don't know why people make jokes about Chuck Norris being such a super-human.  Really, it should be Liam Neeson.  Those jokes are pretty funny.
So I haven't written much this semester but there haven't been many good things to write about.  To be honest, second semester is sucking so far.  Not everything, but pretty much everything school related.  I love being back on the island, I am so happy to be back with my friends, I really like my roommate and I like where I live, but I have had so little motivation to study.  I know that I NEED to study but I just can't bring myself to study the way I used to.  Also, I can't really use the same study method that I did last semester just because my classes are different.  When I know I need to study but I can't find the motivation, I just get really angry and then it makes me want to study even less.  I basically just have to quit for the night and then hope that the next day goes better.  The studying has gotten a little better in the last week or two (I had two exams this week that I had to study for, so pressure got the best of me) so hopefully it will keep improving.
There have been a lot of other stressful things, but I won't go into those right now.  Long stories short, I passed my parasitology exam (but didn't do very well), I locked the keys to my locker inside my locker, which has the majority of my books in it (also, the "spare" key is on the same keychain...not my proudest moment), I keep agreeing to do things that I don't really want to do and I hate myself a little bit for it, and I have to fly home for a day (yes, a day) to get my animals.  It's been a rough couple weeks.  I'm working on it though.
I heard that I made the President's list last semester, but I think it might have been a mistake.  Although there is nothing on Ross's website about the President's list qualifications or who made it last semester, I checked a bunch of other grad school websites and it seems that most schools require a 4.0 to be on the President's list, which I didn't have.  I did get some pretty awesome grades last semester (I ended up with 3 As and 1 B, because one class had a glitch in their grading system and the wrong grades were recorded), but obviously not 4.0.  When I went to go check the President's list, it was taken down because they were repainting the building it was posted on (nevermind that they apparently only posted it 2 days before and took it down super fast, but it was also in a glass case...AKA protection from potential paint splatters) so I guess we'll never know for sure.  I mean, I'll definitely take it!  If I can throw "President's list" on a resume after vet school, yeah I'll freakin' do it.  I'm pretty damn proud of my work last semester so I think I kind of deserve it.
The police arrested two people that they think were involved in Elvis' murder last week.  I haven't heard anything since then but hopefully they catch those guys.  It's still very weird and the island just feels different without him, even though I haven't been to the strip since then.  Ross students are having a fundraiser this weekend to raise money for his family's medical expenses and the funeral expenses.  During and after volleyball tomorrow, there will be a barbecue and then I think it's the same thing on Saturday.  I'm definitely going to one, if not both.  I think we (the students) owe it to Elvis for always being so nice and welcoming to us and letting us have fundraisers there.
In lighter news, I was chased by a cockroach recently and two of my friends have found three centipedes in or around their apartment in the last two or three weeks.  Another girl in my class has found one to three centipedes in her apartment PER DAY and she woke up one morning with a bite from one on her hand.  That being said, I'll admit that I don't have the nicest apartment and I've found a few apartments in Golfview that are significantly nicer than mine, even though we are paying the same rent.  I've been thinking about looking for a different apartment for next semester, but I think that I'm the only person that hasn't had a terrifying bug in their living space.  The worst I've had is a roly poly.  I may just stay here.

I really like when people do these "photo-a-day" things on facebook, so I'm going to try to do one for February but instead of posting the pictures on facebook, I'll try posting them on here instead!  Maybe it will get me writing more (I've recently found out that people read - and enjoy - what I blog about!  Who knew?).  I already missed yesterday, which feels like I made a New Year's resolution to work out more and then by January 2nd, I'm all excited because I've only missed one day!  So I guess we'll do February 1st and 2nd.

February 1st:  Your view today

This is the view from my balcony.  I don't have an ocean view anymore, but the golf course is surprisingly pretty, especially this part with the pond and palm trees.

February 2nd:  Words
I couldn't decide between two, so this first one is my more serious, general outlook on life.  Especially that last part - "Never regret anything that made you smile."  I believe in that whole-heartedly.

One of the reasons I am so fond of arguing is because I think you should always stand for what you believe in, no matter who you are talking to.  I find that people are afraid to debate things with their friends because they don't want their friendship to change.  Ever think that maybe it could improve? If someone showed me who they really are and let me in on their deepest opinions and told me things that they REALLY care about, I would feel much closer to them.  I know that it can be TERRIFYING to disagree with someone and it takes a lot of balls to actually say it out loud.  So the person who does that, even if you don't agree with what they are saying, deserves a ton of respect.
Also, I think that people are too gentle when they are arguing and debating.  I firmly believe that you should get passionate during an argument.  Yell!  Scream!  Break shit!  If you start crying during an argument, then that just means that whatever you are arguing about is worth being argued over.  Why do we always feel like we need to be so reserved and professional all the time?  Let out the animal in you!  And what better time to do that than when you are talking about something that you care deeply for?
However, Eminem said the quote and I can't stand his face.  Win some, lose some.

Well, there's my rant and rave for the day.  This was going to be the picture I posted for "Words" but then I decided to actually post serious words instead:


It's the album cover for Bo Burnham's "Words Words Words," which I have been listening to in my car all semester.  The radio stations rarely come in and when they do, it's usually religious music (and not super fun gospel music either).  Also, I'm going to marry this guy.