
I've got headaches and bad luck that they couldn't touch

This semester has been frustrating, to say the least.  I'm not even going to try to update anyone on what has been happening unless it's relevant to my life now.  It's been freaking crazy.

Last night I found my first centipede in my apartment :(  It made me want to die. 

It was in my bathroom and when I found it, I was just turning on the water to get in the shower.  I saw it out of the corner of my eye and basically flipped a shit.  Cool thing though:  we've been studying neuroanatomy and I was able to understand why I looked towards something that I saw in my peripheral vision (it's actually a reflex, not a choice!), what part of my brain "terrifying experiences with centipedes" gets seared into, what part of my brain takes that experience and makes sure it stays in my brain for the rest of my life, how people in neighboring apartments could localize the sounds of my screams...it was nice to apply things I'm learning in school to my real life.

Well, when I found it, it looked like the cats (probably Helios, because Leo looked surprised when he saw it later) incapacitated it before I got to it.  It was still twitching and I can only assume that the cats were making it suffer to send a message to its little multi-legged friends that YOU DON'T MESS WITH 28B!  You tell 'em, kitties.  I really overreacted when I first saw it, because my first reaction was, "That's it!  I'm transferring!  I've got to get off this fucking island."  Although I won't be transferring (unless Ross decides to change it's curriculum, which is a post for another time...), I WILL be moving out of this apartment.  I already had it set up, but that's less dramatic if you know it was planned ahead of time.  It is good timing though, since I found a baby cockroach in my shower two nights ago, then I had another "nest" of those unidentifiable critters in my bathroom, and this morning when I went to put peanut butter in PD's bone before I left for class, there were ants crawling EVERYWHERE by it.  I am NOT ok with this.  I can deal with bugs outside, but not where I sleep.

Bugs aside, there is more exciting news!  My animals are finally here with me!  I ended up having to fly home to get them (let's not talk about it), but when we came back, I finally had my babies and my mom stayed for a visit!  It was really fun and awesome to get a reminder of what an amazing island this is (bugs aside).  Although I had to study a TON, I still made sure Mom and I were getting out and having fun.  It was kind of like a forced break from studying.  

Not the best picture of me, but look how green the water is!

We got to Brimstone Hill just in time to see the royals before they left!  And to take this picture :)

She was in the Atlantic...

AND the Caribbean!

I'm really glad she got to come.  I miss my mom too much when I'm not with her.  Hopefully she gets to come back when I DON'T have to study for an exam the following week.

I recently tried sushi for the second time...still don't like it.  But there was a new sushi place that was finished right down the street from me and a few of my friends like sushi, so they wanted to go and I figured I would at least go and be social.  Apparently (from my friends that like sushi), the food was amazing and the prices were much more reasonable than I expect it.  But if you don't like sushi, don't waste your time, because there's like 2 things on the menu that aren't sushi.

Oh my gosh I have to get back to studying.  Neuroanatomy quiz at 1 and (surprise surprise) I am still behind in all of my classes.  Peace.