
Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough

I'm officially going on to third semester!  I ended up doing pretty well in all of my classes and I DO NOT have to retake second semester, so I'm pleased.  However, that semester kind of kicked my ass, hence the title of this post.  We did some pretty serious drinking the night that we finished our last final, which included falling face first into a puddle after tumbling down an inflatable slide.  Yikes.

Anyway, I've been too busy recuperating to post lately, but now I've had a couple days of rest and my brain is kind of working again.  Break has been pretty amazing so far and honestly, I've barely done anything.  This is exactly how I like to spend my breaks though.  I get so stressed out and busy during school that I don't even bother making plans when I have some time off because I know that all I want to do it lounge around.  So that is exactly what I've been doing.  I've been hanging out with PD and Leo, checking on the new baby chicks in the yard behind mine, enjoying my new front porch, and watching all kinds of TV shows online (I'm writing this post while I'm waiting for "House" to load).  I went to the beach a couple times, which I do totally love, but it's honestly not very restful for me.  I can't sleep on the beach, so it's basically me squinting under my sunglasses, reapplying my sunscreen and running into the water so my feet don't get burned on the sand.  However, I try to go when I can.  I ran out of sunscreen on our recent catamaran trip and my face got way too sunburned, so there will be no further outdoor activities until I get me some SPF 800.  My face seriously blistered.  Not cool, sun.  Not cool.

I moved into my new apartment, which I absolutely love.  We get a great breeze (amazing how you get some air in your apartment when you have windows that actually open...), we have a gorgeous view of the island (and nearby islands as well), we have a huge yard for PD and the other dogs that live here, chickens and ducks in the yard behind me, and since it's at the top of a huge hill, it's super quiet because nobody comes up here unless they have a reason to.  I'll post some pictures soon.  It's awesome.

To go along with our huge yard, we also have huge fire ant hills, which is fantastic (it's kind of hard to convey sarcasm through typed words, but imagine...would lots of fire ants be awesome?  No sir).  PD has gotten a couple fire ant bites recently :(  My poor little guy has been pretty itchy, but it seems to bother me more than him.  Add his fire ant bites to my horribly burned face and I think you'll get a lot of indoor Mommy-Puppy bonding time.  Either way, I hope they go away soon.  I hate taking PD out to go potty and then finding bites on him :(

My birthday came and went.  It was the week before finals, so there wasn't really any celebrating, at least until after finals were over, then we had some fun.  It was just kind of a weird birthday because I had to study all day.  But I'm 24 now.  It feels like 22.

So now I'm just sitting here bonding with my dog and my cat, both of them sleeping next to me.  Well, my cat must have known that I was enjoying his presence because he just got up and left.  Faithful little PD is still by my side though.  It's kind of weird how as soon as I get on a break, I start immediately dreading the start of the next semester.  This happened in undergrad too.  I seriously starting getting bummed out about having to go back to school like 2 days after we were done.  This break is going to end entirely too soon :(  Enjoy these pictures of a baby elephant playing at the beach!  I, however, do not look this cute at the beach.


What do you get when you cross a rhinoceros and an elephant?

(Get it?  Like, "Hell if I know")